Finals Information and Game Fees

28 Aug 2019 by olivia

Remember if you cant find information you are looking for on our Team app website it’s often on the EDJBA website. Here’s some great finals info:-

And here’s some specifically about games fees

Extra reminders this week from the EDJBA

- Players must pay for their participation at the venue they are playing at. You cannot provide a pass-out for a player at another venue where they are a spectator. Players in two teams will need to pay twice unless they at are the same venue and not leaving, or are playing at home for both games and your club OK’s this.

- Fill in players are only permitted when a team has five players or less. If six regular players are present, then fill in players are not authorised and cannot play.
Fill in players must come from a lower age group and a lower section (eg for B grade Under 15, fill in comes from C grade Under 13). For Rookies, this is the lowest available team.

- Experienced and competent scorers must be provided by all teams. Venue supervisors should ensure that scorers are familiar with the timing regulations prior to the start of each game. Scorers should remain at the score bench until the score is confirmed by the referees. Scoring disputes must be addressed prior to the game being confirmed.

Please note: Park Orchards Steelers kindly pay for all Grand Final Game Sheets, you only need to pay your entrance fees.

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